What Do Shell Facets / Veneers / Porcelain Facets Cost?

dental technician

The price of shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers can vary quite a bit. Usually, most dental offices in Norway charge somewhere between NOK 6,500 - 8,000 per shell veneer / veneer. This can vary quite a lot because there are many factors that come into play, including which dental technician the dentist uses, the type of material to be made from, the type of materials used during the treatment and expenses related to the planning. It is important to ask your dentist and have a good understanding of all the costs of treatment before any start-up.

What are shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers?

Shell veneers, also known as veneers or porcelain veneers, are a thin porcelain shell that attaches to the outside of the tooth to cover various types of tooth damage or defects. It is one of several different treatment options to get an optimal individual tailored smile. Many of the Hollywood stars with dream smiles often have such shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers. The stars know that their smile is an important part of their appeal, and they make it look first class. With today's innovative dental materials, shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers can change your smile in just a few visits.

In some cases, shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers can cover small irregularities between the teeth, defects in the enamel, poor front tooth fillings or strongly discolored teeth. The length and size of the teeth can be changed, or rotated teeth can be adjusted to look straight. Although it sounds like a long process, it is usually easier and less time consuming than you might think.

shell facets

What are the advantages and disadvantages of shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers?

Advantages of having shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers:
  • With small irregularities between the teeth, it can solve aesthetic challenges without the use of braces
  • At the end of the use of orthodontics, it is optimal to give a good aesthetic end result
  • Relatively fast treatment process
  • Need minimal trimming of the teeth for treatment.
  • Gives the perfect illusion of natural teeth.

Disadvantages of shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers:
  • Veneers are prone to chipping, especially if the person has bad habits such as rubbing teeth or biting hard things
  • Technique sensitive treatment for a perfect end result, requires experienced dentist and dental technician
  • Can be more expensive than kroner.

3 types of damage that shell facets / veneers / porcelain facets can fix

The most common types of defects that shell facets / veneers / porcelain facets can fix:

Veneers can cover many different types of defects on the teeth. The list below shows some of the more common types of defects that shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers can fix.

Chipping of teeth

Chipping teeth is not uncommon. They can occur when certain areas of a tooth experience constant wear and tear. Wear tends to weaken the enamel until it eventually chips off the tooth. Chipping can also occur when someone bites down on a piece of hard food or when they are involved in a type of accident that causes trauma to the mouth.

Fracture of teeth

Any fractures of the tooth must be repaired as soon as possible, as fracture can lead to loss of teeth. Losing a tooth is the last thing anyone wants to be, as a healthy mouth is one that has a full set of teeth. When someone breaks one of their teeth, it is often due to being involved in an accident that affects the mouth, such as a fall accident or sports accidents. Teeth can also fracture due to a large cavity or lose a filling. Veneers are frequently chosen by cases who have broken teeth.

Tooth stains

Not all areas with stains on teeth can be removed with a bleach. Such areas with stains that have been around for a long time, since childhood, tend to be difficult to remove and because teeth whitening procedures only address the outer surface of a tooth. Therefore, these types of stains tend to be permanent. When someone has such a visible spot on one or more of the front teeth, they will often hide their smile due to self-awareness around the spots. shell veneers can cover such spots, making it a popular choice for those with such challenges.

Why choose shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers over crown?

Shell veneers / porcelain veneers offer a dental-saving way to repair unsightly teeth, and the steps needed to deliver the best smile require an advanced level of training and experience. The choice of an experienced dentist and dental technician as well as reference cases is therefore important when starting such a type of treatment. A big advantage of having shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers done, compared to full dental crowns on the front teeth - is that with shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers, your dentist will only trim a little, mostly in front of your teeth. With dental crowns, the front and back of the teeth must be trimmed down, so that the crown has room to fit on the tooth.

How does the process work with shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers?

The dentist will take a digital impression of your prepared tooth using a digital scanner that makes a 3D model of your jaw. The impression will be sent to the dental laboratory. Depending on how much your tooth was trimmed, you may have a temporary shell veneer / veneer / porcelain veneer placed on your teeth until the new permanent is ready.

A few days later, the permanent shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers will be ready for checking function, aesthetics and harmony. If correction is needed, it is sent back to the laboratory. So if everything is in order, shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers will be permanently cemented. Photosensitive cement is applied between the original tooth and shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers and an irreversible bond is created to the tooth.

You may need to use bite splints to protect shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers if you grind your teeth at night.

Thorough planning and attention to the design of your smile is crucial for an acceptable result with shell veneers / veneers / porcelain veneers. Study models, photographs and digital x-rays are brought together by your dentist to create an ideal plan. Thorough and good planning gives less margin for error. During the planning phase, the dentist will listen to your input and incorporate your wishes into the design. Color, shape and other subtle factors play important roles in the final design. Once the design is complete and you have tested a prototype and approved the treatment plan, you usually only need two appointments before enjoying a wonderful new smile.

Shell veneers / porcelain veneers can be used to fix all kinds of imperfections and defects. They are safe and look extremely natural, which can help patients show off their smiles.

For questions or concerns about specific types of defects and how shell facets / veneers can be used to cover them, contact Eiksmarka Tannlegesenter. Our team can help you get started!

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