Radish Farming in India with Complete Specifications

Radish Farming in India

Radishes are a popular vegetable in both tropical and temperate regions. It is a fast-growing crop; that's why it can be easily planted as a companion crop or as an intercrop between rows of other vegetables. You can also plant it on ridges, separating one plot from another. Farmers can cultivate it all over India, especially near city markets. Radish probably originated in China. However, it seems to have been cultivated in India since ancient times.

How to Start Radish Farming in India?

When you start planting, you need to know the essential sections to help with profitable commercial farming. You can get information here related to more reliable tractors in radish cultivation. You can use a Mahindra tractor and any other, which assists in the whole process of farming. Here we are giving information about starting and operating successful radish cultivation.

Climatic Requirement for Radish Farming

Radishes are generally a cool-season crop, but Asian varieties can resist more heat than European or temperate varieties. It attains the best taste, texture and shape at 10 to 15 °C. Long days, as well as high temperatures, lead to bolting without adequate root formation. During hot weather, the root becomes hard and pungent before reaching an edible size and, therefore, the crop must be harvested young and small. Radishes are more pungent at higher temperatures. The sharpness decreases with colder temperatures.

Suitable Soil for Radish Farming

Radishes grow in any type of well-drained and loose soil. To a depth of 6-8 inches to make the soil looser and more suitable for growing radishes. Add a layer of farm compost (FMY) or garden compost to enrich it with organic matter. The PH range of soil is 6.0 - 7.5 are more suitable for radish cultivation.

Land Preparation for Radish Farming

You should plough the soil to a depth of 30 to 40 cm to provide fine tilth. The soil is thoroughly preparing so that no clods interfere with root development. The soil should not have any undecomposed organic matter because we get the result of forking roots or misshapen roots. Usually, about 30 cm deep, the first plough is done with soil turning plough, and the remaining 5 -10 ploughings are done with desi plough. Planking should be done after each ploughing. Application of farmyard manure (FMY) should preferably be done at the time of first ploughing.

Best Sowing Time of Radish

Since radish is a cool-season crop, it is cultivating during the winter season in the plains. You can sow it between September and January in the northern plains as it is neither affected by frost nor extremely cold weather conditions. Farmers grow it in the hills from March to August. You can grow it all year round in areas where summers are mild except for a few summer months. In Bangalore, radish roots are available for 8-10 months, but the best edible roots are available only during November-December. Temperate types are usually not planting until October.

Water Requirement for Growing Radish

Radish plants require regular watering to keep the soil moist. Irrigate daily for the first 4-5 days; Then every 3-4 days depending on the rain. Radishes tend to bolt and taste bitter (too sharp). But don't overwater, or else the roots will rot and split. You can irrigate the radish depending on the season and soil moisture availability.

Manures and Fertilisers for Radish Farming

You should mix up farmyard manure thoroughly at the time of field preparation. The full quantity of potassium phosphate and half the quantity of nitrogenous fertilisers can apply in rows before sowing. The remaining half dose of nitrogen fertilisers should give as top dressing and irrigation when the plants grow rapidly. Radishes are a fast-growing crop, so the soil should be rich in plant nutrients. For one hectare, apply 25-40 tonnes of cow dung, nitrogen 18-50 kg in ammonium sulphate, 50 kg phosphorus in the form of superphosphate.

Planting the Radish

You grow radishes to sow seeds outside early spring. Radishes are the first vegetable that you can grow in a garden, so planting is important. The top way to grow radish is to plant the seeds half an inch deep and one inch apart. When growing radishes from seed, make sure you sow the seeds at an interval of eight to ten days so that you can have a steady supply.

One of the best tips for planting radishes is to keep your garden free of weeds. Weeds rob your radishes of nutrients as they grow, and you won't have a good radish if you let weeds dominate your garden. When growing radishes from seed, make sure you keep the soil from becoming scaly around the plants.

Need the Equipment in the Radish Cultivation

With information about cultivation, you should also know the tools that will help in increasing the yield. Rotavator, cultivator, tiller and tractor are essential in every farming. However, the tractor is the most important of all the equipment. That's why we recommend Force tractor for radish cultivation in India.

For more information regarding radish farming in India, stay tuned with us.

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