How Frictionless Access Control Will Help a Government Organization

Security shield surrounded by circuitry

Government organizations are already facing a series of security threats, at both internal and external levels. However, there are tools and technology that can be implemented to reduce the threat landscape at all levels. Given that 34% of data breaches involve internal actors, it is important to ensure proper measures are taken to secure physical government locations. Frictionless access control measures, like facial authentication, can increase the security of the agency.

Five Benefits of Frictionless Access Control

More Accurate Method of Identification

Biometrics have been proven to be a far more secure means of physical access security than traditional methods. Given there are several forms of biometrics scans, it ultimately comes down to effectiveness and ease of use.

This is where government agencies should opt for facial authentication solutions. Due to their high level of accuracy and hands-free approach, they provide unrivaled security without sacrificing efficiency.

More Sanitary Approach to Security

By opting to implement frictionless access controls, physical contact between the user and the security platform is completely hands-free. Therefore, employees do not need to place their faces near a retina or iris scanner or use the same fingerprint scanner as every other individual in the building. Facial authentication allows employees to gain entry to secure locations without potentially transferring germs.

Increased Internal Controls

Hoodie with the face comprised of circuitry and coding

Cyber security threats are advancing and are the largest external security threat to government organizations. Although, that is not to say all threats are outside of the four walls. In fact, internal threats have been growing over the last ten years, and entities should take every precaution to reduce the risk of internal attacks successfully being executed.

From a basic stance, employers must focus on a culture shift. Employees willingly admit to failing at the basic best practices of physical security. This includes not locking their devices when they leave their workstations or leaving sensitive information exposed on their desks after leaving work for the day.

For a more advanced approach, government agencies may implement advanced layers of security through the use of frictionless access controls, which will not only help keep protected areas secure but also reduce the risk of stolen credentials that can be used to execute a government security breach.

Reduces risk of lost credentials

Speaking of stolen credentials, 29% of security breaches were a result of such and led to one of the primary security issues leading to data breaches. An example of credentials that could be stolen are passcodes or proximity badges. Both of these are a more archaic form of access control, yet are still commonly used today. Furthermore, utilizing passwords is a significant security issue due to the frequency of employees reusing the same password for multiple access points, and is far from a frictionless approach to access control.

Multi-Factor Approach

Some government organizations are not going to sway from more traditional forms of identity verification. They may still opt for identification badges or password access. Instead of ripping out the existing security protocols, many government organizations are implementing a layered approach.

Meaning that they are adding frictionless access control to their existing security stack. Therefore, instead of employees gaining access by only using credentials that could be easily lost, stolen, or shared, they also have to use other forms of verification, like facial authentication, to confirm their identity.

Globe with connected dots across all continents

Technology has changed our lives, for both good and bad. Given the advanced rate of growth of internal actors being involved in data breaches, it is imperative to take the necessary steps to secure government buildings, as well as the specific areas within them that possess additional information that may compromise our state or nation’s security.

Fortunately, there are great technological advancements that government organizations can utilize to mitigate the risk of security breaches. Agencies have already begun adopting various forms of frictionless access control for a variety of reasons. Adding another layer of security that doesn’t impede personnel is the future of safety.

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