Nutritional Value & Types of Mushroom with Farming Guidelines

Mushroom with Farming

Mushrooms can provide many important nutrients, and that is edible fungus. The various types of mushrooms have varying nutritional and composition profiles.

Commercial mushroom cultivation started recently in India. There are various states that are major mushroom producers such as Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, etc.

Essential information about the Mushroom

Here we are describing the nutritional value and type of Mushroom.
  • Nutritional Value Of Mushrooms
Mushrooms provide a lot of protein than vegetables and fruits. It may also be helpful for low cholesterol.

Mushrooms can also be high in certain vitamins like vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, thiamine nicotinic acid, riboflavin, etc.

The Mushroom has become an excellent source of potassium and folic acid, a component known for raising and improving the blood and avoiding deficiency. Mushrooms are recommended as a healthy food by the Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Types of Mushrooms

Farmers grow different types of mushrooms worldwide. They are as follow;

Button mushroom, Oyster mushroom & paddy straw mushrooms are the three-wide varieties in India. Paddy straw mushrooms can grow at a temperature of 35-40°C. On the other hand, oyster mushrooms are grown in the northern plains, while button mushrooms grow in the winter season. All these commercial importance of mushrooms are grown by different methods and techniques. Mushrooms are grown in special beds known as compost beds.

Button Mushroom - Growing Process

Button Mushroom farming is the most popular farming worldwide. Generally, all the people know about this fruit in India, and every farmer should have knowledge about processing of cultivation. Before knowing the cultivation procedure, farmers should know the essential factor in farming, such as which equipment is most usable in this cultivation. The tractor is the essential segment in farming. And the farmers usually use the John Deere tractor in mushroom cultivation in India. Here we are describing the button mushroom cultivation process.

1. Making Compost

First, you should start the compost in the open when you want to grow mushrooms. For button mushroom cultivation, the compost yard is set up on a clean, raised platform made of concrete. They should be raised so that excess water does not collect in a pile. Although composting is done in the open, they should be covered to protect them from rainwater. Next, prepare the 2 types of compost - natural and synthetic compost. Compost is made in trays of dimensions 100 X 50 X 15 cm.

2. Mushroom Cultivation - Synthetic Compost

Elements of synthetic compost include urea, wheat straw, bran, calcium ammonium nitrate/ammonium sulphate and gypsum. The straw should be cut from 8 to 20 cm in length. It is then spread evenly to form a thin layer over the composting yard. After that, soak it well by sprinkling water. The next step is to mix all the other ingredients like urea, bran, gypsum, calcium nitrate with wet straw and add them to the heap.

3. Natural Compost

The materials required here are poultry manure, horse dung, wheat straw and gypsum. You should finely chop the wheat straw. Horse dung should not be mixed with the dung of other animals. It should be collected fresh and not exposed to rain. After the materials are mixed, they are evenly spread over the composting yard. Water is sprayed on the surface to moisten the straw. It is piled up and replaced in the same way for synthetic manure. Due to fermentation, the temperature of the stack rises. And due to the release of ammonia, it gives off an odour. The pile is rotated every three days and sprinkled with water.

4. Filling the Compost in Trays

The finished compost is dark brown. When you pour the compost into the tray, it should neither be too wet nor too dry. If the compost is dry, sprinkle a few drops of water. If too wet, allow some water to evaporate. The size of the tray for spreading the compost can be as per your convenience. But, it should be 15 to 18 cm deep. Also, make sure the trays are made of softwood. And also, the tray should be filled with compost to the edge and levelled to the surface.

5. Casing

You can make the casing soil by mixing crushed and sieve rotten cow dung with the golden soil. Farmers should keep the pH on the alkaline side. Once ready, the cover soil has to be sterilized to kill pests, nematodes, insects and other moulds. Farmers can use sterilization by treating it with a solution of formalin or by steaming it. After the casing soil is spread over the compost, farmers should maintain the temperature at 25⁰C for 72 hours and then reduce it to 18⁰C. Remember that the cover stage requires a lot of fresh air. Therefore, the room should have adequate ventilation facilities during the casing stage.

6. Cropping

The pinheads start becoming noticeable after 15 to 20 days of chasing. Start developing the white colour and small-size buttons within 5 to 6 days of the stage. When you place the caps tightly on the short stem, you should be ready to harvest the Mushroom.

All the processing of mushroom farming, tractors and tools is the most necessary in farming. Tractor is the most prominent aspect in farming. Therefore we recommend the Sonalika tractor.

For more information regarding mushroom farming in India, stay tuned with us.

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