4 Signs It's Time to Consider Assisted Living for Your Senior Loved One


Assisted Living

If your loved one needs help with the basics of everyday life, a move to an assisted living community may be the right choice. Unlike independent living, assisted living provides hands-on care by trained staff.

If your aging parent looks disheveled or has a bad odor, this can be a sign that they are having difficulty taking care of themselves. Also, a noticeable decline in weight could be a sign that they aren't eating properly.

They Are Experiencing Memory Loss

For certain elderly people, memory loss is a typical aspect of aging. However, if people have more frequent forgetfulness and struggle with routine activities like remembering bills or losing their keys, it might be time to consult a physician.

Memory changes are a symptom of Alzheimer's and other dementias. Early diagnosis can help manage symptoms and prevent declining health and independence.

Discussing options with your loved one before a crisis hits is best. Set aside dedicated time, without distractions, to discuss their needs and care. Be sure to include siblings and other family members who help care for your senior in the conversation.

They Are Experiencing Depression

Depression in seniors is more common than people realize. It may stem from life events like the loss of a loved one, medical conditions such as dementia or a stroke, or simply getting older. Loneliness can also lead to depression. Sarasota assisted living facilities have social and recreational activities that encourage seniors to interact with other residents, helping to combat this problem.

Speaking with your senior loved one about their emotions might be challenging since they were raised in a society where mental health problems were viewed as personal failings. Furthermore, compared to younger persons, older adults frequently display depression in various ways. Instead of expressing melancholy, they can utilize bodily symptoms or remark they're "down in the dumps."

It's critical to intervene if your older loved one exhibits symptoms of depression, such as an inability to engage in their favorite hobbies, a lack of interest in eating or sleeping, weight loss or increase, irritability, feelings of overwhelming guilt or worthlessness, or suicidal thoughts. Often, the best course of action is to speak with a therapist or doctor.

They Are Experiencing Dementia

It's normal for people to experience memory loss as they age. Still, if your loved one begins forgetting things that affect their day-to-day life or seems confused in familiar places, it could be an early sign of dementia. Their judgment may be affected, and they might withdraw from hobbies or social activities.

Staff members at assisted living facilities have received training to assist with everyday tasks including dressing, bathing, and using the restroom. Additionally, they may oversee medication administration, ensuring that your senior loved one takes their meds on schedule and stays clear of adverse effects like sleepiness or dizziness.

They Are Experiencing Anxiety

A senior suffering from excessive anxiety needs professional help. A physician can assess their condition and provide treatment options. A screening assessment from a primary care provider, such as a family doctor or nurse practitioner, is an important first step, says Andreescu. It will ensure that their symptoms aren't caused by a physical illness or side effects of medications.

An anxious person may experience irritability, restlessness, decreased concentration, and difficulty sleeping. In addition, they may have irrational fears such as a fear of falling or that someone will try to steal their money or personal items.

Caregivers can watch for signs of anxiety and intervene early to improve a loved one's quality of life. This could include arranging money management services, connecting them with community activities and friends, or helping them practice mindfulness. In severe cases, a medical professional might recommend medication or counseling.

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