What Types of Injuries At Work You Can Claim For


injury claim

Accidents are unavoidable. They do occur. They aren't always your fault, though. If your employer fails to take reasonable precautions to safeguard you from an accident while you're at work and you sustain an injury, you may be eligible to compensation.

Your employer has a responsibility to keep you safe and inform you about any health and safety risks that may affect you. They must also report certain occurrences and accidents, pay you sick pay, and provide you with time off if you have injured at work.Your employer must do a risk assessment and take the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of employees and visitors. This includes determining the number of first responders required and the type of first aid equipment and facilities you should give.

Type of Injuries At Work You Can Claim

Here are a few examples of work-related injury claim cases that we've seen.

  • Construction site injury
  • Lifting/manual handling injury
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Falls from height
  • Industrial chemical injury
  • Defective machinery injury
  • Warehouse accident injury

Construction Site injury

Every day, construction workers in the United Kingdom confront dangers. Falls, falling objects, insufficient safety safeguards, careless coworkers, and a variety of other hazards can all result in significant workplace accidents. These injuries might result in hefty medical expenses and other financial consequences.While construction workers are susceptible to a variety of injuries, some are more common than others on the job. The "struck-by injury" is the most common sort of construction site accident and the second highest cause of fatalities.

You may be eligible for more than just workers' compensation if you have hurt yourself on the job.

Lifting/Manual Handling Injury

Pushing, pulling, or carrying are all examples of pushing, pulling, or carrying all come under manual handing.

Manual handling is when you move anything by exerting physical effort. Manual handling is responsible for approximately 30% of workplace injuries, which may surprise you given how simple it is. So, let's have a look at a few different sorts of manual handling injuries and the dangers to be aware of.

  • Injuries to the back
  • Strains and sprains
  • Injuries to the hands
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system
  • Hernias
  • Injury to the feet

Slips, trips and falls

Whether you're doing physical handling or not, slips, trips, and falls can happen at any time. They usually have their own reasons for doing so.

When you're carrying a load, your visibility is often obstructed. This is especially true at ground level. You might not see the wire on the floor, the spilt coffee, or the undone shoelace. As part of your manual handling assessment, always consider the surroundings, as the surrounding workplace can bring additional hazards to your operation.

Falls from height Injury

Falling from a great height may be a terrifying and life-changing experience in many ways. Falling from a great height can result in a variety of injuries, including fractures and shattered bones, as well as back and head injuries. A fall from a great height can be lethal in the worst-case scenario.

There are various professions that may require working at a height, but someplace workers are at a larger risk of getting hurt and filing a claim for a fall from height compensation than others.

  • Construction workers;
  • Window installers;
  • Window cleaners;
  • Supermarket shelf loaders
  • Roofers;
  • Warehouse workers;
  • Civil engineers

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a workplace accident due to a fall from a height, you may be eligible to compensation.

Industrial Chemical Injury

A chemical injury occurs when the body's structures or functions are altered as a result of acute or chronic exposure to a chemical. Chemical injuries can occur through a variety of channels, including the skin, the lungs, and the mouth. Chemicals can come in a variety of forms, including liquids, gases, fumes, vapours, and solids.

It is your right to seek compensation and justice if you have experienced chemical damage or disease as a result of your working conditions, or if you are related to someone who has. Additionally, you may be able to help prevent another person from having a similar accident.

Defective Machinery Injury

If an employee gets hurt at work, the employer is usually the target of a lawsuit. However, if the employee is hurt as a result of faulty machinery or equipment, the employer may not be liable.

Although the wounded employee may be eligible for worker's compensation, any legal action would almost certainly be brought against the equipment manufacturer rather than the employer. Machinery injuries can be disabling or even fatal, and they often occur due to no fault of the equipment's user.

Warehouse accident injury

Falls, slips, trips, falling goods, forklift collisions, and exposure to dangerous substances are the most prevalent warehouse injuries. Physical injuries range from slight to serious as a result of this (and sometimes death).

That is why employers and managers go above and beyond to ensure workplace safety. There will be fewer delays and harm to the items this way. More significantly, the employees will always be safe.

You may have a viable warehouse accident injury claim if you have injured yourself while working in a warehouse and believe your employer was negligent in any way. In order to document your injuries and the specifics of the event, you must follow a pretty simple method.

Bottom line

Accidents are unavoidable. However, take reasonable precautions to safeguard yourself from an accident. If you have injured yourself while you're at work, you may be eligible to compensation after filing an injury claim. There are many types of injuries at the workplace. We have highlighted a few of them above in the blog. By following guidelines and proper training, anyone can make themselves safe from any kind of injury at the workplace.

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